Admission to the Museum is always free.
Tuesday – Saturday | 10 am – 4 pm
Sunday & Monday | Closed
Langson IMCA's interim museum is closed during exhibition installation periods; university administrative breaks; Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year holidays.
Langson IMCA is open to all and UCI is pleased to offer FREE ADMISSION and validated 2-hour parking at its interim location at 18881 Von Karman Avenue.
Until the new museum is constructed, Langson IMCA operates an interim museum on the main level of the Airport Tower building at 18881 Von Karman Avenue in Irvine.
Langson IMCA presents one exhibition at a time in the 2,500 square foot gallery. Exhibitions change approximately every three months and include works from the museum's permanent collection and on loan from private lenders and institutions. Check out what is currently on view.
Travel time from UCI campus
Car: 7 minutes
Bike: 15 minutes
Walk: 45 minutes
Bus: 20 minutes
*OCTA Bus 178 (Huntington Beach - Yorktown and Golden West) departs at Campus/University Center and stops at Von Karman-Martin. Weekdays only.
Parking is free for 2 hours only with validation for Langson IMCA visitors. The parking garage is conveniently located at the intersection of Martin and Von Karman Avenue and adjacent to the main entry of Airport Tower. Upon arrival, retrieve a ticket at the yellow gate and proceed to the parking garage. Please bring your parking ticket into the interim museum for validation.
Two-hour visitor spaces are available on Level 1 of the parking garage with longer term parking on Levels 2 and above. Please do not park in spaces marked "reserved."
Accessible parking spaces for visitors with disabled persons parking placards are located outside the parking garage adjacent to the main entry of Airport Tower.
Eight Level 2 EV charging stations are available in the parking garage, powered by Shell Recharge. Charging stations are designed for active charging only, with a maximum charge time of 3 hours per use. Once a vehicle has completed its charge or once the 3-hour limit has elapsed, there will be a 30-minute grace period in which to move the vehicle from the charging station, to avoid citation by the parking company. Current charge rates through Shell Recharge are $1/hour for the first 240 minutes, then $25/hour after that, plus a $0.50 transaction fee for any charge length. Payment and charging are managed directly through the Shell Recharge app.
Visitor guidelines and policies
Before your visit
Some exhibitions use QR codes to share more information about the works on view. Please let Visitor Experience staff know if you require assistance with this feature.
Langson IMCA does not offer advisories about subject matter in exhibitions. If you have questions regarding the content of specific exhibitions, please email our visitor experience staff at imca@uci.edu.
Airport Tower and Langson IMCA's interim museum are accessible to wheelchair users. There are no steps or raised threshold transitions.
Benches and portable gallery stools are available in the gallery.
Bags and strollers
Langson IMCA does not provide a coat or bag check. For the safety of the artworks on view, we ask that visitors wearing backpacks (and any bags designed to be worn on the back) wear them either on the front of the body, over one (1) shoulder, or carry them by hand.
Please leave large items at home or in your car.
Compact strollers are permitted.
Visitors under age 12 must be accompanied and supervised by adults at all times.
In the gallery
Please maintain a safe distance from artwork during your visit. Langson IMCA may use stanchions or markings on the floor to indicate the distance a visitor should stand from the artwork.
Please help museum staff care for the space and the artworks on view by not touching the art (including frames), labels, walls, pedestals, vitrines, and cases.
Sketching and writing in the gallery and Education Studio are encouraged. Visitors may use pencils or colored pencils only. For the safety of the art on view, pens, markers, charcoal, and wet media are not permitted in the gallery. If you need a pencil, please ask. Langson IMCA staff are happy to provide you with one.
Please conduct mobile phone conversations in the lobby adjacent to the entrance or outside the building.
Visitors are permitted to take non-flash photography for personal, noncommercial use according to the guidelines below:
- Visitors may use hand-held cameras, mobile phones, and tablets with the flash turned off. Tripods, lights, selfie sticks, and videography are not permitted. Photo shoots are not permitted.
- Photography of works on loan is sometimes prohibited by lenders. For clarification about what may be photographed, please consult with visitor experience staff on the day of your visit.
- Maintain a safe distance of at least 24” from art on view in the gallery.
- Respect the space of other visitors.
- Share your experience with us on social media. @uciimca #langsonimca
By your presence in Langson IMCA’s interim museum location, you acknowledge that you have been informed you may be photographed during your visit and you grant permission to The Regents of The University of California for your likeness to be captured and used in connection with University news and publicity in any medium, throughout the world, and without compensation, credit, or other consideration. If you do not wish to be photographed or appear under these conditions, please alert Langson IMCA visitor experience staff. Thank you for your cooperation.
Food & Drink
Food and drink are not permitted inside the interim museum—including water bottles, beverages with lids, candy, and chewing gum.
Press & Moka Coffeehouse is located adjacent to Airport Tower. For a quick bite, beverage, or meal, Trade Market Place is within walking distance (.5 miles) and University Town Center is located 2.5 miles from Langson IMCA and across from UCI's main campus.
Service Animals
Langson IMCA is committed to welcoming a wide and diverse audience, including those assisted by trained service animals. Langson IMCA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which defines a service animal as a dog that has been trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. Emotional Support Animals are not permitted inside Airport Tower or the interim museum. Emotional Support Animals, Comfort Animals, or Therapy Animals which provide comfort do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. The following questions may be asked of each visitor with a service dog: Is the service dog required because of a disability? What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
Frequently Asked Questions
Visit the FAQs page.