K – 12 Education
School Visits
School Visits contribute to the development of stronger critical-thinking skills, empathy, and curiosity about art and culture. When students are encouraged to express themselves and take risks in discussing and creating art, they awaken their imaginations and nurture their creative and innovative potential. School Visits offer opportunities for students to develop observation and interpretation skills using visual and sensory information, build knowledge independently and with one another, and cultivate an interest in artistic production.
Virtual School Visits
A Langson IMCA Virtual School Visit is a one-hour, interactive, distance-learning experience for students in grades 3 – 12. The program is open to all public, private, charter, and homeschooled students. The Virtual School Visit, facilitated by UCI education staff, student museum educators and teaching artists, includes an inquiry- and dialogue-based experience looking at artworks in Langson IMCA’s collection and hands-on activities where students are encouraged to explore ideas and respond to the art making processes.
Virtual School Visits are free, offered on your school’s platform of choice (Google Meet, Google Classroom, Zoom, etc.), and tailored to individual classroom needs.
To request a Virtual School Visit, complete and submit the form below AT LEAST 4 WEEKS IN ADVANCE. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Sofia Gutierrez, Associate Director of Education and Community Engagement, at sofiag7@uci.edu.
Making Together
A series of art making videos for teachers, students, parents, and caregivers. Activities are best for ages 5+, and younger with adult assistance. Videos are available on Langson IMCA's Vimeo channel.
Teacher Resource Guides
The Resonant Surface: Movement, Image, and Sound in California Painting
Variations of Place: Southern California Impressionism in the Early 20th Century
Echoes of Perception: Peter Alexander and California Impressionism
The Bruton Sisters: Modernism in the Making
Bohemian of the Arroyo Seco: Idah Meacham Strobridge
Spiritual Geographies: Religion and Landscape Art in California, 1890 - 1930
End of the Range: Charlotte Skinner in the Eastern Sierra
Common Ground: Early 20th-Century Artist Communities in Southern California