How to Give
Give Online
View all of Langson IMCA’s philanthropic priorities and make your gift on our secure giving page.
Send a Check
Please make your check payable to "UCI Foundation” or “UCI Foundation – Langson IMCA," designate the purpose of your gift on the memo line or in a note (e.g., “IMCA Exhibitions”), and mail to:
Langson Institute and Museum of California Art
UC Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-1010
Stock and Securities
To make a gift of stock or securities, please complete and then print this Stock and Securities Notification Form, and mail it to:
UC Irvine Gift Administration
University Advancement
111 Theory, Suite 250
Irvine, CA 92617
Please specify Langson IMCA as your gift purpose. For questions, contact UCI’s Advancement Office at (949) 824-1429.
Donor Advised Funds
To make your contribution through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), please provide the following information to your DAF administrator:
Legal name: University of California, Irvine Foundation
Tax ID #: 95-2540117
Address: 5141 California Avenue, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92617
Purpose: Please include your name, Langson IMCA, and your desired area of support.
Contact Us
Kelsey Sippola
Senior Director of Development
(949) 824-1448
Jamie Bigman
Assistant Director of Development
(949) 824-1429