George Brandriff, Sunday Breakfast, 1930, Oil on canvas, 24 x 30 in. The Buck Collection at UCI Jack and Shanaz Langson Institute and Museum of California Art
Sunday Breakfast
George Brandriff
Staff Pick | Monthly Muse July 2021
George Brandriff’s Sunday Breakfast is a gentle and intimate painting. The softly-lit room is subdued, and my gaze is immediately drawn to the brightest and most colorful part of the painting —the comic section of a Sunday newspaper. The table, set with a cloth, utensils, and glass of tomato juice, beckons me to sit and eat breakfast. The work invokes a reminiscence of my childhood and a comforting innocence which I find profoundly appealing every time I return to it.
Jean Stern
Art historian and former Senior Curator of California Impressionism, Langson IMCA