Look at Me
D. J. Hall
Staff Pick | Monthly Muse April 2021
What is it about a sparkling pool on a hot summer day that makes kids want to show off their tricks and water skills to any adult within ear- and eyeshot?
I had a good chuckle the first time I saw D.J. Hall’s Look at Me and read its perfectly fitting title. It brought back summer memories of swimming with my brother and cousins. We constantly shouted, “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!”, as we jumped, dove, bellyflopped, and splashed in the water. Meanwhile, our parents (sitting in the shade talking about “boring adult stuff”) humored us with quick glances and feigned enthusiasm—while in the same breath reminding us, again, that they didn’t want to get splashed.
My daughter, who is almost three years old, has already discovered the power of the phrase “look at me.” I suspect it will not be long before I am the parent finding myself caught between adult conversations off to the side and my child’s performance right in front of me. She will undoubtedly be just as determined as the girls in Hall’s drawing to capture the full attention of every adult sitting poolside with her best Esther Williams impressions. Hopefully, I won’t get too soaked from being in the splash zone.
Katie Zulueta
Assistant Museum Registrar, IMCA